Communicable Disease Committee Be informed of the plan to vaccinate 1 million doses of HPV vaccine in 100 days.


Ministry of Public Health, – National Communicable Disease Committee Approve the draft announcement of names and symptoms of dangerous communicable diseases. Adjust new symptoms of “Very severe multidrug resistant tuberculosis” and adjusting the treatment regimen by experts Ready to receive 1 million doses of the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer in 100 days, kickoff on 8 Nov.

Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health Chaired the meeting of the National Communicable Disease Committee No. 6/2023 with Dr. Opas Karnkawinphong. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn Acting Director-General of the Department of Disease Control and committees from various related agencies Attend the meeting

Dr. Chonnan said that today the meeting considered and approved 2 matters: 1. The draft announcement of the National Communicable Disease Committee regarding the addition of representatives from government agencies in the working group for ports of entry, B.E. . For the two international communicable disease control checkpoints, namely the Tammalang Port Checkpoint. and the Wang Prachan border checkpoint in Satun Province in order to have authority in the area of responsibility. in surveillance Effective prevention and control of communicable diseases and 2. Draft announcement of the Ministry of Public Health on the names and important symptoms of dangerous communicable diseases B.E.... as approved by the national drug-resistant tuberculosis expert panel meeting. By adjusting the main symptoms of very severe multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB), which is a dangerous infectious disease number 13 in the Communicable Disease Act of 2015, as "case of very severe multidrug-resistant tuberculosis" This is tuberculosis that is resistant to multiple drugs, including rifampicin. It may or may not be resistant to isoniazid. and resistance to the fluoroquinolone drug group (Fluoroquinolones) including levofloxacin (Levofloxacin) Moxifloxacin (Moxifloxacin) at least one dose and resistance to bedaquiline at least one dose of Bedaquiline or Linezolid Have a chronic cough or coughing up blood, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, or symptoms of an infected organ. Can spread infection to others In severe cases, there will be symptoms of respiratory failure. and may even lead to death

“It was emphasized at the meeting that Although the incidence of tuberculosis has greatly decreased from the past But it has not yet achieved the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that require ending tuberculosis by 2030. If we manage tuberculosis, which still has approximately 100,000 patients per year, by continuously collaborating It will fix the problem faster. and will benefit the health of everyone in Thailand By improving the main symptoms of very severe multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. It will be useful in diagnosis, treatment and control of the disease, allowing the treatment regimen to be determined by experts in drug-resistant tuberculosis. In line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization and experts,” Dr. Chonnan said.

Dr. Chonnan further said that the meeting was also informed of the progress in proposing the draft. Communicable Diseases Act Amended version In order to prepare for legal matters If there is a situation of rapid and widespread spread of disease and is or may seriously harm the life, health or livelihood of the people. Because in the past situation of COVID-19 disease, it was found that legal measures according to The Communicable Disease Act 2015 is still not sufficient for disease prevention and control. both newly emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases comprehensively and efficiently The Ministry of Public Health is in the process of summarizing the results of listening to opinions from stakeholders. Including expert advice To present the matter to the Cabinet and continue with the legislative process.

In addition, we also follow up on preparations for the HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. According to the policy of expediting 100 days, this afternoon ( 2023) will sign an announcement of cooperation to drive operations together with the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Interior Ministry of Labor Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation), Bangkok, Thai Red Cross Society, National Health Security Office (NHSO), and the National Vaccine Institute. There will be an HPV vaccination campaign for female students in grades 5 - 2nd year of higher education, including women aged 11-20 years who are outside the education system, divided into student vaccinations (School based) on November 1-30, 2023. Kick-off will be on November 8th at Sai Noi School, Nonthaburi Province and every health district. At least 1 per health zone and inject the 18-20 year old group from December 2023 - January 2024.

“The allocation and delivery of vaccines is divided into vaccines from NHSO, serving target groups according to benefits, Grade 5, M.1-2, consisting of 2 strains (Cecolin) and 4 strains (Gardasil), totaling 784,368 doses. Gradually delivered to the area October-December 2023 and vaccines from the Department of Disease Control which is 400,000 doses of donated vaccine from the Thai Red Cross Society and 200,000 doses of central vaccine reserve, available for collection to target groups according to the benefits provided by the vaccine. NHSO is not enough and groups outside of benefits, aged 18-20 years, delivery will begin in October 2023 and there will also be screening for cervical cancer in the early stages. For women aged 30-60 years, which is one of the comprehensive cancer policies. Under the concept of “Knowledge, prevention, early detection and treatment. Safe from cancer” and in line with the slogan “Beautiful, Brilliant, Fight Cancer” or Women Power No Cancer,” Dr. Chonnan said. -Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency