Hong Kong human rights activist arrested

Albert Ho, human rights activist. who is known in Hong Kong, was arrested today by the National Security Police in Hong Kong. In the allegations tangled with witnesses.

Mr. Ho, 71, was arrested today. He was accused of interfering with witnesses during his release on bail Previously, Mr. Ho prosecuted for inciting the overthrow of the government They could face up to 10 years in prison under the national security law. which Beijing imposed in Hong Kong in 2020 to deal with widespread and sometimes violent protests. The trial for sedition to overthrow the government is pending and Mr Ho was released on bail in August. After spending almost a year in prison, his bail was conditional on several conditions. Including a ban on speech that would threaten national security. according to Hong Kong law Violation of bail conditions may result in immediate arrest.

Mr Ho was a leader of the disbanded Hong Kong Alliance. For more than three decades, the group has hosted an annual candle-lighting event to mourn the Chinese government’s crackdown on pro-democracy pro-democracy protesters on Tiananmen Square. in Beijing in the year 1989.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency