‘Kenika’ reveals that the government is ready to move forward with helping crime victims.


Bangkok, "Kenika" reveals that the government is ready to move forward to help crime victims. Open the justice hotline, call 1111, press 77, free 24 hours a day, raising the level of effective assistance to the public. Ms. Kanika Aunjit, Deputy Spokesperson for the Office of the Prime Minister, said that the government by Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Justice by Pol. Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice Be aware of the problems faced by people who are victims of criminal cases. The government has an important policy to bring justice to the people so that they can access the services of various agencies. conveniently, quickly and equally Ms. Kanika said that in the Department of Rights and Liberties Protection Try to develop and maintain the rights and freedoms of people who are victims and those affected by rights violations who are not the perpetrators. with the goal of being ready to stand beside the innocent and will never stop helping for justice We are ready to help people who are victims of criminal cases to access justice conveniently, quickly and efficiently. You can contact for assistance at the Justice Hotline, call 1111, press 77, free 24 hours a day. 'The government doesn't want to see victims of crime. bad events Those shouldn't happen. But if it happens, the perpetrator must be punished. or take property or damage can be returned to the victims and victims The Prime Minister therefore has a policy to raise the level of assistance to the people to be more efficient. to administer justice Reduce inequality Create fairness for society,' Ms. Kanika said. Source: Thai News Agency