House, "Somsak" explains reason for resigning from Pheu Thai list MP, wants to do good administrative work. Opening the way for the new generation to continue, indicating that it is each person's thoughts. Being seen as floating - sitting as a minister for a long time Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister Give an interview about the reasons for resigning from List of MPs from the Pheu Thai Party said that when he became a minister he was assigned work to go to the area. in the southern border provinces and village funds The National Water Resources Office (ONWR) must monitor its work at all times. Overall, it is considered to be a lot of work. So I want to do it well. Because he is responsible for the work of many committees While some ministers may not have much work to do. Therefore do not wish to resign from the MP. Are you afraid that your legs will float? When he resigned from the MP and was removed from the Cabinet, Mr. Somsak said that no one guaranteed that. But I resigned because I was afra id that my job would be lost. 'If you do two things Should you choose one job? As for the people who will move to serve as MPs in my place, they are teenagers and young people. And the current structure of the Pheu Thai Party provides opportunities for young people,' Mr. Somsak said. In this regard, the resignation of Mr. Somsak Will put pressure on other ministers who are Member of Parliament or not? Mr. Somsak said that it was not related. As for whether someone would use it as a custom to resign as well or not, he did not know. When asked again that the decision to resign from the Member of Parliament showed that he would Sitting in the position of long-term minister, right? Mr. Somsak said that there are two ways to look at it. Some people say that he might be floating. Or they think they might be able to sit as ministers for a long time. He couldn't go look instead. And can't choose But the decision has already been made. Source: Thai News Agency