The villagers were shocked and submitted their names to be removed. “Village headman” likes to carry guns.


Khok villagers are terrified. Hunt for names of names submitted for removal "Village headman" because he has a habit of showing off guns all the time.

Villagers in Khok Hieb, Village No. 12, Takhop Subdistrict, Pak Thong Chai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, collected the names of 318 villagers and submitted them to the Pak Thong Chai District Chief. Request to remove Mr. Somsuan, age 51, from the position of village headman. Because they have a habit of carrying firearms all the time. Show it to the villagers Whether doing any activities in the village or even in the temple Until the villagers were frightened that there would be violence or a gun going off.

There is also the behavior of using power beyond reason. Intimidate the villagers Threatening the monks to prevent them from cooperating with the villagers in building a pavilion. Or make other merit if the village headman does not allow it. If you do not obey, you will be removed from the temple. And this village headman likes to shoot guns regularly when he's drunk. Including malfeasance and forged documents to withdraw money from the village fund. However, today the Pak Thong Chai District Administration Department There was an opening stage for signing people to express their identity at the Khok Hieb Monastery pavilion. to submit a request to remove the village headman from his position

Source: Thai News Agency