Free IUDs for under 20s available at all NHSO-connected hospitals in Thailand


Women under 20 can now get a free contraceptive intrauterine device (IUD) at all private and state hospitals connected with Thailand’s National Health Security Office (NHSO), according to Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai, director-general of the Health Services Department.

He explained that the IUD is a highly effective contraceptive as it is convenient, remains in place for a long time and does not interrupt sex or daily activities.

There are two types of IUD. One lasts about three years and the other for 5 after insertion and can be removed after expiry.

Dr Suwanchai, however, admits that women who have received the IUDs may experience a mild headache, nausea, light headedness, acne or emotional fluctuations, but the symptoms will disappear within six months in most cases.

He said that women who experience serious headaches, unusual menstrual flow or the lack of menstruation can see a doctor at the hospitals where they received the IUD.

IUD is a small T-shaped plastic device used for birth control. It is inserted into the uterus, where it remains to prevent pregnancy.

Source: Thai Public Broadcasting Service