“Jurin” compares digital wallets to “monkeys in nets”


Democrat Party, "Jurin" compares digital wallets to "monkeys in nets" because they still have the same two problems and add two new ones.

Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, list of MPs, acting leader of the Democrat Party. Commenting on the Ministry of Finance's 3 options in the case of digital wallets, the Democrat Party It also asserts that it is the government's right to determine policy. But all problems, he sees, are caused by populist campaigning. Can it be done or not? Slowly go and die. Until today, the condition is like a monkey unraveling a net. Because in addition to having the original 2 problems that need to be solved, there are also 2 new problems added. All of which still have no answers.

The same 2 problems that he had previously spoken about were 1. What to do? and 2. Where would the money come from? Because it is tied to both financial sources and legal issues. Especially the one who vowed that he would not use the budget and would not take out a loan. So it became even more tied up with itself, and 2 new problems were added: 1. When can it be done? Because it has been postponed twice already and 2, will the goal be changed from stimulating the advertised economy to helping the poor or not? All of which become 4 big problems that the government must have answers to. Because of the populism that campaigned for. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency