“Plaisak Surin” is in good health, no signs of concern.

Lampang, July 3 – The veterinarian revealed that Plaisak Surin's health was good overall, satisfactory, eating and sleeping normally. no worrisome symptoms As for removing the chain, the elephant must get used to the mahout and after the recovery period before reevaluating the behavior.

Dr. Warangkana Langkarphin Head of Chang Lampang Hospital Revealing the symptoms of Chang Plaisak Surin after initial health assessment The first night, despite some exhaustion from the journey but able to eat and excrete normally Especially last night, the elephant was able to lie down on its side. Therefore, it is considered a satisfactory good signal. because if the elephant stands asleep, it means that there is pain Even if it's been in contact for a long time, it can affect health.

As for the treatment process, it is in quarantine for a period of 30 days, where a team will visit every day and collect samples for testing. as specified by the Department of Livestock Development by focusing on detecting diseases related to the spread of the disease first If everything goes well, there are no contagious diseases. to move the elephants for further examination at the Chang Hospital Before going into the treatment process, there will be experts in each area to thoroughly assess the health of the elephants. including X-ray of the injured foot

Ms. Warangkana said that overall health was considered good with no signs of concern. The abscess wound also has a cavity that is not completely closed. But still not very dangerous The worrisome thing is now the legs that are dragging and walking inconveniently. Especially the left front leg can't be bent. What about the legs that are used to support the elephant if not treated immediately? Elephants that are too heavy when unable to stand on their own and then fall down for a long time will develop pressure sores. As for the soles of the feet, some abnormalities were found. The nails look distorted. It may be from standing on a hard surface for a long time. So must trim the nails, soak the feet and wash the wound. But now still have to let Elephant Plaisak Surin get acquainted with the mahout in Thailand first. to begin the treatment process. because they have to work together as a team

As for the proposal to release the chain of Plaisak Surin, Dr. Warangkana said it was a long-term matter that had to be considered further. Because they are new elephants, they don't yet know their temperament. Therefore use this quarantine period to assess behavior in daily life first and must wait for the healing process to pass. As for statistics, about 25-30 sick elephants at the hospital are treated per month, almost 120 per year.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency