The United States and China agreed to cooperate so that leaders from the two countries could meet next month.


WASHINGTON, The United States and China agreed on Friday to work to have the two countries' leaders meet next month. After US President Joe Biden met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the White House

Mr. Biden invited President Xi Jinping to come to San Francisco. in November to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit at a time when relations between the world's two superpowers are tense. Mr. Xi did not confirm that Will he come to the meeting or not? After Mr Wang met with Mr Biden and other senior US officials in Washington. The White House said The two countries agreed to maintain a high level of diplomacy to ensure smooth relations. The White House also said in a statement that Both the United States and China pledged to work together in the lead-up to the meeting between President Biden and President Xi. in San Francisco in november

A senior U.S. government official said: The White House has left it up to Beijing to confirm whether Xi will travel to San Francisco for the APEC meeting. But the United States has prepared for a meeting between the two leaders. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency