Ticket sales open on May 25th! Historic match “Spurs” fight “Leicester”


first time in Thai history with the duel of two leading football clubs from England 'Chicken Golden Spur' Tottenham Hotspur, the top English Premier League team, prepares to carry a large army to do a warm-up battle with special items. 'Siam Fox' Leicester City, the owner of the Premier League champions, 2015/16 season on Sunday, July 23, 2023 at Rajamangala National Stadium. Thai football fans should not miss the opportunity to be a part of this new history.

Sponsored by the Football Association of Thailand and Sports Authority of Thailand, this historic match is organized by TEG Sport and ProEvents, with Tottenham Hotspur sponsor 'AIA' and 'King Power'. ', the Title Sponsor and Owner of Leicester City Football Club, is an important partner of the competition.

Announcing the sale of tickets for the match from 10:00 am on Thursday, May 25, 2023. Football fans can reserve seats through official ticket agents via Ticket Melon (www.ticketmelon.com). Ticket prices start at 1,500 baht. 2,500 baht, 3,500 baht, 4,500 baht and 5,500 baht

Mr. Paul J. Kam Chairman of the event and president of the ProEvents Group, discussing the event and ticket sales. “This competition has attracted a lot of attention. Since the press conference held in the past And we are committed to bringing quality football to Thai football fans at a reasonable, tangible and accessible price. So that all football fans can experience the great experience on the edge of the field.

Invite fans of both teams to watch this special football match. On Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at Rajamangala National Stadium This important competition will create an exciting atmosphere. and give an impression that will never fade away And is a favorite of many people for many years to come.

Ticket sales start from 25 May 2023 at 10:00 a.m. onwards via www.ticketmelon.com.

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Email: support@ticketmelon.com

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Source: Thai News Agency